Microalgae as cell factories producing recombinant commercial proteins Les microalgues: Usines cellulaires productrices de molécules commerciales recombinantes

Carlier, A; Bardor, M; Lerouge, P; Cabigliera, M; Henríquez V.

Keywords: proteins, mouse, animals, expression, protein, cell, gene, genome, mice, algae, transgenic, photosynthesis, glycosylation, review, chloroplast, recombinant, mammal, chloroplasts, mammalia, function, microalga, commerce, nonhuman, biological, Transfer, Models,, Mice,, silencing


Extraction of natural substances and chemical synthesis are the main sources of pharmaceutical molecules. When possible, one may transfer the gene of the molecule in living cells creating individual factories producing on demand and in a safe way the requested molecule. Today, bacteria, yeast, mammalian cells and plants constitute the main plate-forms for various commercial products. Microalgae present numerous advantages and could offer a powerful tool for the production of commercial molecules in a near future.

Más información

Título de la Revista: Medecine/Sciences
Volumen: 24
Número: 4
Editorial: Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons
Fecha de publicación: 2008
Página de inicio: 375
Página final: 382
URL: http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-42449122371&partnerID=q2rCbXpz