Adaptación, Crecimiento y Producción de Nuevas Leguminosas Forrajeras Anuales en la Zona Mediterránea de Chile: II. Comportamiento de las Especies en Suelos Graníticos del Secano Interior Subhúmmedo

Ovalle M, Carlos; Pozo L, Alejandro del; Avendaño R, Julia; Fernández E, Fernando; Arredondo S, Susana


"In order to evaluate the productivity and persistence of new germplasm of annual forage legumes in degraded granitic soils of the interior dryland of the sub-humid Mediterranean climate region of Chile, a field experiment was carried out at the Cauquenes Experimental Center of the National Agricultural Research Institute (INIA), Chile, between July 2000 and March 2002. The studied species were Biserrula pelecinus (3 cultivars), Ornithopus compressus (7), O. sativus (2), Trifolium michelianum (1), T. resupinatum (1), T. vesiculosum (1). Cultivars of Trifolium subterraneum sensu lato (3) and of Medicago polymorpha (1) were included as controls, since these species are widely used in the study area. The experimental design was of random blocks with four replicates and plot size was 2 x 5 m. The results of phytomass production, seed and seed hardness indicated significant differences (P ≤ 0.05) between species and cultivars in the three years of evaluation. B. pelecinus had an outstanding performance in the third year, showing high phytomass (7840-8920 kg DM ha-1 yr-1) and seed (1290-1603 kg MS ha-1 yr-1) production, as well as high persistence. O. compressus cvs. Madeira, Avila, Santorini and Paros had also a high potential for phytomass (6650-8720 kg DM ha-1 yr-1) and seed production in the third year. Phytomass production of O. sativus cv. Cadiz was superior (P ≤ 0.05) to the T. subterraneum and M. polymorpha in the third year, but inferior to the best cultivars of B. pelecinus and O. compressus. On the other hand, T. michelianum cv. Paradana, T. resupinatum cv. Kymbro and T. vesiculosum had low productivity and persistence in this environment"

Más información

Título según SCIELO: Adaptaci�n, Crecimiento y Producci�n de Nuevas Leguminosas Forrajeras Anuales en la Zona Mediterr�nea de Chile: II. Comportamiento de las Especies en Suelos Gran�ticos del Secano Interior Subh�mmedo
Título de la Revista: AGRICULTURA TECNICA
Volumen: 65
Número: 3
Editorial: Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias, INIA
Fecha de publicación: 2005
Página de inicio: 265
Página final: 277
Idioma: es
