Enfermedad renal en la diabetes: A propósito del día mundial del riñón

Ardiles, Leopoldo; Mezzano, Sergio

Keywords: kidney failure, chronic, renal dialysis, diabetes complications


"The third version of the World Kidney Day will be held on May 13, 2010 in Chile and will be focused in diabetic renal damage, the main cause of chronic kidney disease (CKD). Currently, we are living a pandemia of CKD, a progressive and irreversible condition with high social and economic impact. In Chile, we have 857 patients per million inhabitants in hemodialysis and 35% are secondary to diabetes. Our general prevalence of diabetes is 4.2%, rising to 15% in people aged more than 64 years. With a 34% prevalence of hypertension, an aging population, high prevalence of obesity, and a sedentary lifestyle, there is an estimation of a rise in 85% of the prevalence of diabetes in South-America, for the next decades. The steps to be taken are clear: campaigns should be aimed at (1) prevention of type 2 diabetes; (2) screening for early diabetic kidney disease; (3) increasing patient awareness of kidney disease; (4) using medications of proven strategy and fnally (5) research on new therapies. These concepts must be included in community and professional education to reduce the effects of this pandemia."

Más información

Título según SCIELO: Enfermedad renal en la diabetes: A prop�sito del d�a mundial del ri��n
Título de la Revista: REVISTA MEDICA DE CHILE
Volumen: 138
Número: 4
Fecha de publicación: 2010
Página de inicio: 397
Página final: 400
Idioma: es
URL: http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0034-98872010000400001&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en
