Dams in Aysén: obstacle or springboard for regional tourism development?

Segura, Patricio; Bourlon, Fabien

Keywords: HidroAysén, tourism, Patagonia, Dams, Sustainable Development


Several independent studies and evaluations indicate that until now there are no reliable assessment on the real impact of possible dams and power lines to the tourism development of Chilean Patagonia. Focused studies even indicate a strong negative and long-term impact, to this sector –an essential socioeconomic development option for Aysén as has been manifested in various regional development strategies, if these mega structures were built. In this context we wish to show how social actors have been mobilized according to their viewpoints. These are obviously manifold but mostly concerned about the environmental, social and economic impacts of the so called “HidroAysén” project. Such has been the dynamic of the opposition movements that Aysén has appeared to the world gaze as one of the last virgin places on earth. Apparently contrary to those who think that the campaign “Patagonia sin Represas” affects the image of Aysén, it seems to have placed this region on the world map of the planet pristine places and a “hot spot” for world tour travelers. It appears that while the dams are not built, Aysén as a “reserve of life” will continue to attract visitors and entrepreneurs wanting to know and offer a preserved, remote and unspoiled from industrial development territory. As it is Aysén could continue to appear as a place to settle to live in a safe and friendly manner. Here both traditional and modern-alternative forms of life are possible and could ensure a quality of life unlikely to be matched by that of other parts of the world. The debate puts into perspective the challenges that Chile faces in terms of sustainable management and local governance in the regional provinces. Clearly an integrated management of the regional territories is needed to achieve criteria of expected from members of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). This is relevant considering that in its last report the organism ranked Chile last of the 40 countries assessed, in terms of environmental preoccupations –an area highly linked to tourism development in Chile and particularly in Aysén.

Más información

Título de la Revista: Sociedad Hoy
Volumen: 20
Editorial: Universidad de Concepción
Fecha de publicación: 2011
Página de inicio: 145
Página final: 157
Idioma: Spanish