Alternative territorialities and hybridisms in rural world: Resilience and Reproduction of sociobiodiversity in the tradicional communities of meridional Brasil and Chile

Floriani, Nicolas; Ther, Francisco; Floriani Dimas

Keywords: interdisciplinarity, narratives and politics on nature, landscape-territorial complexity, fertility imaginaries, counterhegemonic territorialities


Starting from the idea that counter-hegemonic territorialities in rural areas are the result of a dual process of learning and/or adaptation: one internal to the own territory resulting from the coevolution between ecosystems and community, and the other external between territories -which involves the processes of territorialization of capital over traditional territories. These adaptive dynamics of traditional and alternative territories are expressed in hybridisms of practices and social representations, modern and traditional, about reproductive attributes of nature: nature’s fertility in the traditional territories subsumes the complex socio-environmental reproducibility, while the imaginary of nature in modern scientific culture subsumes objectified productivity of ecosystems. In other words, it is about interpreting narratives and politics of nature. Indeed, understanding the complexity of socioterritorial reproduction of agriculture and traditional fishing, and alternatives (such as those of family farming with ecological bases), subsumes, therefore, the inseparability between the objective and subjective aspects of reprodutibility of the productive system lato sensu, this is, of local geo-ecological conditions, traditional values and symbols, which are synthesized in adaptation strategies and resilience of rural communities against the project of (re)territorialization of capital over those counter-hegemonic territories.

Más información

Título de la Revista: Polis (Santiago)
Volumen: 12
Número: 34
Editorial: Centro de Estudios del Desarrollo Regional y Políticas Públicas - CEDER, Universidad de Los Lagos
Fecha de publicación: 2013
Idioma: Portugese
