Agile Software Development: It Is about Knowledge Management and Creativity

de la Barra, CL; Crawford, B; Soto R.; Misra, S; Monfroy, E


Software development is a knowledge intensive activity and its success depends on knowledge and creativity of the developers. In the last years the traditional perspective on software development is changing and agile methods have received considerable attention. The purpose of this paper is to provide an understanding of knowledge management and creativity in relation with new software engineering trends. The implications of these findings are considered, and some possible directions for future research are suggested.

Más información

Título según WOS: Agile Software Development: It Is about Knowledge Management and Creativity
Título de la Revista: COMPUTATIONAL LOGISTICS (ICCL 2021)
Volumen: 7973
Fecha de publicación: 2013
Página de inicio: 98
Página final: 113
Idioma: English
Notas: ISI