Wormholes and naked singularities in the complete Horava theory

Bellorin J.; Restuccia, A; Sotomayor, A


We find the static spherically symmetric solutions (with vanishing shift function) of the complete nonprojectable Horava theory explicitly, writing the space-time metrics as explicit tensors in local coordinate systems. This completes previous work of other authors who have studied the same configurations. The solutions depend on the coupling constant alpha of the (partial derivative(i) ln N)(2) term. The lambda = 1/3 case of the theory does not possess any extra mode; hence, the range of a is in principle not limited by the linear stability of any extra mode. We study the full range of alpha, both in the positive and negative sectors. We find the same wormhole solutions and naked singularities that were found for the Einstein-aether theory in a sector of the space of alpha. There also arise wormholes in other sectors of alpha. Our coordinate systems are valid at the throats of the wormholes. We also find the perturbative solutions for small alpha. We give this version of the solutions directly on the original radial coordinate r, which is particularly suitable for representing the exterior region of solutions with localized sources.

Más información

Título según WOS: Wormholes and naked singularities in the complete Horava theory
Título según SCOPUS: Wormholes and naked singularities in the complete Ho?ava theory
Título de la Revista: PHYSICAL REVIEW D
Volumen: 90
Número: 4
Editorial: American Physical Society
Fecha de publicación: 2014
Idioma: English
