Lingual-facial Trunk Arising from the External Carotid Artery: A Case Report

Gonzalez, CP; Gallardo, CC; Torres, PA; Galdames, IS

Keywords: External carotid artery, Lingual-facial trunk, Artery bifurcation


The variations in the origin of the facial and lingual arteries are very important in maxillofacial, head and neck surgery procedures. This study is a case report in which the common origin is described in the facial and lingual artery in a lingual-facial trunk (LFT) on the left side of a female corpse from Spain. In the examination, a diameter of 2.17 mm and a length of 8.84 mm are shown. It was located 12.04 mm from the carotid bifurcation and 9.31 mm from the origin of the superior thyroid artery. The variation in biometric values shown, are anatomical findings in the neck dissection of a corpse. Moreover, taking into account the surgical procedures, which involve the origin of facial and lingual artery, because it is the most common variation and could cause complications.

Más información

Título según WOS: Lingual-facial Trunk Arising from the External Carotid Artery: A Case Report
Título según SCOPUS: Lingual-facial trunk arising from the external carotid artery: A case report [Tronco arterial linguo-facial como rama de la arteria carótida externa: Reporte de un caso]
Título según SCIELO: Lingual-facial Trunk Arising from the External Carotid Artery: A Case Report
Título de la Revista: International Journal of Morphology
Volumen: 32
Número: 3
Editorial: Dr. Mariano Del Sol. Universidad de la Frontera, Chile.
Fecha de publicación: 2014
Página de inicio: 1108
Página final: 1110
Idioma: English
