Integration of the ROS Framework in Soccer Robotics: The NAO Case

Forero, LL; Yanez, JM; Ruiz del Solar, J

Keywords: Humanoid robots, NAO robot, Robot Operating System (ROS), shared code


The SPL robot soccer league focuses its efforts on the development of robot control software for standard humanoid robots. Nevertheless, few interchange of software modules are observed in the league, being the B-Human effort an exception. In addition, a large difference in performance is observed between experienced teams and new teams. This situation makes difficult the incorporation of new teams in the league. Therefore, it seems attractive to explore the use of ROS within the SPL soccer robotics community in order to revert the described situation. As a first step, this paper presents some work in this direction, such as the installation of ROS in the new NAO V4 robots, the integration of the B-Human motion engine as a ROS node, and the communication of two robots running a ROS-based control software.

Más información

Título según WOS: Integration of the ROS Framework in Soccer Robotics: The NAO Case
Título de la Revista: COMPUTATIONAL LOGISTICS (ICCL 2021)
Volumen: 8371
Fecha de publicación: 2014
Página de inicio: 664
Página final: 671
Idioma: English
Notas: ISI