Analyzing optimal paths in coloured-edge graphs with Euclidean weights

Lillo, Felipe.; Ensor,Andrew


The weighted coloured-edge graph is a tool that allows the modelling of multimodal networks by assigning to each edge both a weight for optimization criteria and a colour for transport mode. The shortest path between ttwo points is computed by imposing a partial order relation on th epaths weights in each colour resulting in a Pareto set of optimal paths. This work experimentally studies the order of this set for coloured-edge graphs whose edges weights are determined by Euclidean distance. Computational results indicate the tractability of the model is linked to the level of randomness as wellas the dimension of the Euclidean space.

Más información

Año de Inicio/Término: Julio 11-14,2010
Página de inicio: 76
Página final: 77
Idioma: English
Financiamiento/Sponsor: INFORMS, Universidad de Lisboa