Using action research to foster preservice teachers’ reflection on themselves as learners: Examining beliefs and changing practices

Montecinos C.; Ceardi, A.; Fernández, M.B; C. Craig; L. Orland-Barak

Keywords: action research, preservice teachers, preservice teacher’s beliefs, beliefs about learning, teacher education pedagogy


Addressing preservice teachers’ beliefs about learning is a key task of initial teacher preparation. In this chapter, we describe and reflect on the use of action research as a learning activity/assessment to address those beliefs within a required course on learning theories. Through this activity, preservice teachers engage in a cycle of observation-reflection-planning-action-evaluation to change practices deemed ineffective. This use of action research has not been reported in the literature and we discuss our success as well as challenges in its implementation

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Fecha de publicación: 2014
Página de inicio: 427
Página final: 445
Idioma: English
Notas: DOI (Indexed in Book Citation Index de Web of Science)