Learning progressions in science education: Two approaches for development

Salinas, Ivan

Keywords: Learning progressions


This paper presents a review of the literature on Learning Progressions. Two approaches to Learning Progressions are identified, named, and presented: the escalated approach and the landscape approach. The first approach constructs a progression in terms of levels, being its extremes the lower anchor and upper anchor, and having a strong empirical component in the depiction of the progression. The second approach have a stronger analytical component to define and construct the progression, presenting connections among elements of the progression by levels and threads, while resting mainly in previous research for validating its analysis of progress on learning. Similarities, main features, and the principal identified rationale of each of the approaches are discussed. Research pieces representing the approaches are briefly shown as examples. Also a discussion on how the differences between the approaches can affect learning progression research, the advantages and disadvantages of using learning progressions, and its potential future implications are presented.

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Fecha de publicación: 2009
Año de Inicio/Término: 23-24 Junio 2009
Idioma: English