Evaluación de las características psicométricas y obtención de normas locales para el TPVNM de Colarusso y Hammill en escolares de la ciudad de Arica – Chile.

Leal, Francisco; Alarcón, Alejandra

Keywords: Assesment, Visual-perceptive development, psychometrics.


Motor-free Visual Perception Test is widely used in the country due to its psychometric properties and its specificity since it does not require graphic answers as other similar instruments. However, the adecuation of its norms and the maintenance of its psychometric features in Chilean Children have not been evaluated, there being empirical evidence showing that the norms would be inadequate. In the article, a systematic evaluation of the psychometric characteristics is proposed based on a sample of Chilean School Children, wich concludes that these are mainteined, but that the norms are not adequate till seven years of age, that is why local norms are given. In addition, the authors suggests taking into account some of the characteristics of the subjects under evaluation when interpreting the results seeing that some of the variables as the dependancy of the school and the attendance to the pre-basic school have a significant effect on them.

Más información

Título de la Revista: Revista Iberoamericana de Diagnóstico y Evaluación – e Avaliação Psicológica
Volumen: 9
Número: 1
Fecha de publicación: 2000
Página de inicio: 91
Página final: 103
Idioma: Spanish
Notas: Indexada: WOS, SCOPUS, LATINDEX