Preparation for Disaster: Bamboo Shelter in Pakistan

Ramage, Michael


Pakistan requires sustainable, resilient housing for development and post-disaster reconstruction. Whether earthquakes or yearly floods, millions of people are affected. The earthquake of 2005 left around 5 million homeless and the floods of 2010 killed 1985. Humanitarian assistance is often swift but reactive. Our proposal is proactive to prepare communities and humanitarian agencies in the provision of bamboo shelter and housing for the next disaster. Bamboo is a widely available construction material whose use is limited by knowledge and expertise. This project links the need for housing and increased resilience in communities using local, natural materials.

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Fecha de publicación: 0
Año de Inicio/Término: August 2016-February 2017
Financiamiento/Sponsor: The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), UK

EPSRC Global Challenges Research Fund, number EP/P510932/1