Capital Social de las mujeres mayores usuarias de la red pública de la atención primaria de salud

Arcos, Estela; Sánchez, Ximena; Bailey, Christine; González, Luis; Vollrath, Antonia; Muñoz, Luz

Keywords: primary health care, social capital, Women.


Background: Social capital is an economical idea that refers to connections between individuals and entities that can be economically valuable. Aim: To establish the relationship of social capital as a health care asset, with sociodemographic variables of older women attending public health care services. Material and Methods: Chen’s Personal Social Capital scale was applied to 113 women aged between 64 and 80 years during 2014. Cronbach’s alpha of the instrument was calculated. Results: The Cronbach’s alpha of the instrument was 0.86. The average score for social capital was 23.9 points of a maximum of 50. Bridging capital scores had the higher disparity, specifically in participation in community organizations and the representation of their interest in them. Bonding capital decreased along with a higher age of interviewed women (r = -0,43, p < 0,01). Higher territorial roots were associated with a lower perception of social community resource availability (r = -0,42, p < 0,01). Conclusions: The social capital scores in these women were low. Their better support networks were close relationships and relatives. The sensation of solitude increased with age.

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Volumen: 144
Número: 8
Fecha de publicación: 2016
Página de inicio: 972
Página final: 979
Idioma: español
Notas: ISI