Multivariable regression analysis to assess energy consumption and CO2 emissions in the early stages of offices design in Chile

Pulido Arcas, J; Perez Fargallo, A; Rubio Bellido, C

Keywords: energy consumption, regression models, CO2 Emissions, Chile office buildings, Energy performance


The reduction of energy consumption and CO2emissions in buildings has become an essential field ofstudy in the recent years. Simplified design tools, used in the first design stages, can be of great helpin adopting concrete decisions that will, at the end, allow these to be reduced. This paper presents anew predictive model for office buildings in Chile. Starting from the 1,386,000 study cases pursuant theISO 13790:2008 standard, 18 multivariable regression models have been generated, 9 for energy con-sumption and 9 for CO2emissions., They have been adapted to each climatic zone in Chile. In these casestudies, 8 fundamental variables have been considered to cover the design parameters. This researchconsiders number of stories (NS), floor area (FA), form ratio (FR), window-to-wall ratio (WWR), coef-ficient of performance (COP), Energy efficiency ratio (EER), heating emission factors (HEF) and coolingemission factors (CEF). The models generate an R2between 91.81% and 98.05% for energy consumptionand between 96.83% and 99.56% for CO2 emissions, with the results of this research being incorporatedinto future regulations and into the first stages of design for office buildings in Chile. As an expected out-come, the model will contribute to reduce, or at least contain, energy consumption and CO2emissionsassociated with office buildings in the future..

Más información

Título de la Revista: ENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Volumen: 133
Fecha de publicación: 2016
Página de inicio: 738
Página final: 753
Idioma: English

Notas: WOS Core collection ISI; JCR: 2.973; SCOPUS