centro de Investigación: dinámica de Ecosistemas marinos de Altas Latitudes


The creation of a new FONDAP Center denominated "Research Centre: Dynamics of Marine Ecosystems in High Latitudes (IDEAL acronym in Spanish) is proposed. It will have as mission to develop cutting-edge science in marine ecosystems in two strategic geographic areas for Chile, the South Patagonia of Chile (PSC) and the Antarctic Peninsula (PA). These regions currently face great threats due to climate change and the growing impact of human activity, and therefore the proposed research initiative will enhance the scientific development in the country, the formation of advanced human capital, and especially will contribute to strengthen aspects related to environmental protection, and socio-economic development policies that are nowadays Chile´s most relevant issues. Five lines of research (PI) are defined: RP1) Marine Productivity in a changing ocean; RP2) Physiological capabilities of marine species: A comparative ecophysiological and genetics approach; RP3) Comparative structure and function of plankton; RP4) Comparative structure and function of benthos and RP5) Coastal and marine socio-ecological systems, ecosystem services, and human wellbeing. All of them will be interlinked around four major themes: (1) the connection between Antarctica and the Chilean South Patagonia, (2) the trophic networks and their adaptation to the environment, (3) the impact of global change on marine ecosystems, and (4) the human dimension of the Antarctic and South Patagonian ecosystems. Finally the implementation of the IDEAL Center will reinforce substantially the national program of Antarctica science (PROCIEN) whose ultimate goal is to produce high level Antarctic science in Chile. In addition to renowned national scientists Center will promote the participation of undergraduate and postgraduate students, as well as young scientists in order to promote the training of advanced human resources in Antarctic and sub-Antarctic topics. All this research team in conjunction with the foreign collaborators make up a multidisciplinary, open network of excellence, which will be able to attract national and foreign researchers to study two regions that are considered to be reserves of biodiversity and world heritage.

Más información

Fecha de publicación: 2015
Instrumento: Postdoctorado Becas Chile
Año de Inicio/Término: 2015-2024
Financiamiento/Sponsor: CONICYT
Rol del Usuario: COINVESTIGADOR(A)

FONDAP IDEAL No. 15150003