Fast-track On-site Project Delivery: A Flow Based Approach to Learning

Pascual, R.; Andersson, P.


This paper elaborates upon how flow theory pared with active learning methods and with a conscious attempt by the teacher to create a learning environment, which also takes into account the emotional aspects of learning and meta-cognitive processes to enhance student motivation and learning outcome. The hypothesis is that if flow can be created through the teaching activities in a university course, new possibilities emerge to support the students to discover their full potential as individuals and learners. We present a case study that exploits flow theory in a fifth-year course in a mining engineering program centered on the delivery of a project developed inside a company in a very short time. A survey has been conducted among the students in the course where they have rated their experienced emotional states with respect to the flow. Interesting results indicates a profound and enduring impact on students learning specially in the active learning parts of the course.

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Fecha de publicación: 2014