Una aproximación crítica a la promoción institucional de salud

Merino Jara, Claudio; López Andrade, Clara; Fernández Silva, Carlos

Keywords: Right to health – Health public policy – Collective health


Since the implementation of the strategy of Primary Health Care, has gradually crystallized a speech from public policy that links this level of attention with health practices associated with community strengthening, territorial development in the context of a family and community health model. This essay proposes a critical analysis regarding the articulation of Primary Care, the territory and the communities, from the perspective of rights in health, the socio-political positioning of the actors that act in the social-territorial field and the role of the institutions in the community intervention. Considering these aspects, it is concluded that health promotion and prevention activities are relegated to the professional field in coherence with the national public policy guidelines, however, they do not favor the situated health development endogenously, due to the community is considered a secondary political actor in the health, illness and care process, maintaining a subaltern epistemic status of intervention object mediated by biomedical-psychosocial care approaches that fails to relieve the structural problems of social inequality that affect the well-being.

Más información

Título de la Revista: Inclusiones
Volumen: 5
Editorial: Cuadernos de Sofía
Fecha de publicación: 2018
Página de inicio: 78
Página final: 88
Idioma: Español
Financiamiento/Sponsor: Universidad de Los Lagos
Notas: Erihplus