Tempol diverts peroxynitrite/carbon dioxide reactivity toward albumin and cells from protein-tyrosine nitration to protein-cysteine nitrosation

Augusto, O; Alves, MJM; Fernandes, DC; Medinas, DB


Tempol has been shown to protect experimental animals from injuries associated with excessive nitric oxide production. In parallel, tempol decreased the levels of protein-3-nitrotyrosine in the injured tissues, suggesting that it interacted with nitric oxide-derived oxidants such as nitrogen dioxide and peroxynitrite. Relevantly, a few recent studies have shown that tempol catalytically diverts peroxynitrite/carbon dioxide reactivity toward phenol from nitration to nitrosation. To examine whether this shift occurs in biological environments, we studied the effects of tempol (10-100 muM) on peroxynitrite/carbon dioxide (1 mM/2 mM) reactivity toward proteins, native bovine serum albumin (BSA) (0.5-0.7 cys/mol) and reductively denatured BSA (7-19 cys/mol), and cells (J774 macrophages). Although not a true catalyst, tempol strongly inhibited protein-tyrosine nitration (70-90%) and protein-cysteine oxidation (20-50%) caused by peroxynitrite/carbon dioxide in BSA, denatured BSA, and cells while increasing protein-cysteine nitrosation (200-400%). Tempol consumption was attributed mainly to its reaction with protein-cysteinyl radicals. Most of the tempol, however, reacted with the radicals produced from peroxynitrite/carbon dioxide, that is, nitrogen dioxide and carbonate radical anion. Accordingly, tempol decreased the yields of BSA-cysteinyl and BSA-tyrosyl/tryptophanyl radicals, as well their decay products such as protem-3-nitrotyrosine. The parallel increase in protem-nitrosocysteine yields demonstrated that part of the peroxynitrite is oxidized to nitric oxide by the oxammonium cation produced from tempol oxidation by peroxyrutrite/carbon dioxide-derived radicals. Protem-nitrosocysteine formation was shown to occur by radical and nonradical mechanisms in studies with a protein-cysteinyl radical trapper. These studies may contribute to the understanding of the protective effects of tempol in animal models of inflammation. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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Título según WOS: ID WOS:000226226100004 Not found in local WOS DB
Volumen: 38
Número: 2
Editorial: Elsevier Science Inc.
Fecha de publicación: 2005
Página de inicio: 189
Página final: 200


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