Estudio analítico de aceite de girasol ozonizado por espectroscopia Raman y microscopia óptica

Débora A. B. Palacios*, Erik M. M. Schmidt*, Landulfo Silveira Jr*., Renato A. Zângaro*

Keywords: Ozono terapia, Aceite de girasol ozonizado, Espectroscopia Raman dispersiva, Microscopía óptica


The ozonated organic oil is a 100% natural oil saturated with ozone, additive free and it is produced for improvement of therapeutic ozone storage and manipulation. In the present work, two fast and non-destructive techniques were used to analyze the spectrum and morphometry of ozonated sunflower oil. A sample was introduced in a bubble reactor with a constant ozone flow; the obtained results demonstrate that sunflower oil with low ozone concentration has not spectral changes. The optic microscopy verified the presence of ozone bubbles in sunflower oil, and the values of uniformity and persistence obtained from this technique establish that the product is stable and peroxidation is not observed.

Más información

Fecha de publicación: 2010
Año de Inicio/Término: 2010
Idioma: Español
Financiamiento/Sponsor: SBEB