Effects of informal competition on innovation performance: the case of Pacific Alliance

Jorge Heredia; Alejandro Flores; cristian geldes; Walter Heredia

Keywords: emerging economies, Innovation Performance, Informal competition, Pacific Alliance


This study evaluates the impact of informal competition on the innovation performance of formal fi rms in emerging ec onomies. A theoretical model under the strategy tripod framework is proposed. It analyzes the effects of Institutional factors as the quality of governance and market labor rigidities on innovation performance, and the mediating effect of informal competition. It is used the Causal Mediation Analysis with data from 3,268 companies from the World Bank Enterprise Survey from countries of the Pacific Alliance (Chile, Colombia, Mexico, and Peru). The results state that informal competition has a negative effect on the innovation performance of formal companies. Based on these findings, It is suggested some promising avenues for future research and managerial implications.

Más información

Título según SCIELO: Effects of informal competition on innovation performance: the case of Pacific Alliance
Título de la Revista: Journal of Technology, Managment and Innovation
Volumen: 12
Número: 4
Editorial: Facultad de Economía y Negocios, Universidad Alberto Hurtado
Fecha de publicación: 2017
Página de inicio: 22
Página final: 28
Idioma: en
