Magazines Zig-Zag: graphic reports and otherness on the indigenous population of the new frontier northern Chile (1905-1930)

Rodrigo Ruz Zagal; Luis Galdames Rosas; Michel Meza Aliaga

Keywords: indigenous population, magazines, población indígena, nacionalismos, nationalisms


It is argued that the magazines Zig-Zag and Sucesos, published under the imprint Zig-Zag between 1905 and 1930, through their reports and photojournalism spreaded ideas about society and indigenous cultures of Chile's new northern border, as well as its Andean neighborhood (southern Peru and Bolivia), loaded with negative elements and value judgments, all of them related to the large indigenous population of the region, contributing to create a negative imaginary around them in central Chile after the Pacific War (1879-1883).

Más información

Título según WOS: Magazines Zig-Zag: graphic reports and otherness on the indigenous population of the new frontier northern Chile (1905-1930)
Título según SCIELO: Magazines Zig-Zag: reportajes gr�ficos y alteridad en torno al ind�gena de la nueva frontera norte chilena (1905-1930)
Título de la Revista: ESTUDIOS ATACAMENOS
Número: 61
Editorial: UNIV CATOLICA NORTE, Inst Invest Arqueologicas y Museo RP Gustavo Le Paige
Fecha de publicación: 2019
Página de inicio: 135
Página final: 153
Idioma: Spanish
