Family strategies, legal practice and community of memory. The descendants of Tito Alonso Atauchi and Viracocha Inca in Charcas, XVI-XVIII Centuries

Nelson Castro Flores

Keywords: cultural memory, memoria cultural, nobleza indígena, Charcas colonial, ideología nobiliaria, Indigenous nobility, colonial Charcas, nobiliary ideology


From the second half of the XVIII century, a strong apprehension feeling rose among some members of the imperial bureaucracy towards the indigenous nobility and their places of memory. They were visualized as a source of noxious disturbance for the political body. The 1781 general revolt just increased the fear towards indigenous elites, even though they remained loyal to the colonial government. At several junctures, descendants of the natural lords submitted a set of petitions, memorials and autos, many of which were originated in the XVI and XVII centuries, in order to adapt themselves to the changes of that time in the colonial administration. This strategy was repeatedly used after the 1781 revolt and provided the indigenous nobility's families a support for their cultural memory, to the extent that they were allowed to preserve guidelines and identity images.

Más información

Título según WOS: Family strategies, legal practice and community of memory. The descendants of Tito Alonso Atauchi and Viracocha Inca in Charcas, XVI-XVIII Centuries
Título según SCIELO: Estrategias familiares, pr�ctica jur�dica y comunidad de memoria. Los descendientes de Tito Alonso Atauchi y Viracocha Inca en Charcas, Siglos XVI-XVIII
Título de la Revista: ESTUDIOS ATACAMENOS
Número: 61
Fecha de publicación: 2019
Página de inicio: 177
Página final: 198
Idioma: Spanish
