Chapter 23: Party funding in Mexico and Chile

Méndez de Hoyos, Irma and López Varas, Miguel Angel; Mendilow, Jonathan and Phellipeau, Eric

Keywords: Party Finance, Chile, Mexico


This chapter examines the party funding system in Mexico and Chile in the period 1990–2016. It analyses the evolution of the legal framework, the context of institutional changes, and its intended benefits. We compare Chile and Mexico as two cases that started the 21st century with very different party funding systems but ended up with similar rules that support generous public funding schemes that follow principles of transparency and equality and aim to end scandals of political corruption and illegal funding of party campaigns. Gradually, the singularities of the past gave way to the similarities of the present. These similarities in political finance are shared by most of the advanced democracies.

Más información

Editorial: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd
Fecha de publicación: 2018
Página de inicio: 425
Página final: 450
Idioma: Inglés