Dialectics of maternity. Contributions to the study of gender inequalities in border territories

Menara Lube Guizardi; Eleonora López Contreras; Felipe Valdebenito Tamborino; Esteban Nazal Moreno

Keywords: maternity, maternidad, familias transnacionales, Gender Inequality, desigualdad de género, movilidad fronteriza, border mobility, transnational families.


The article retrieves the narratives of Peruvian women in Arica (Chile) discussing the contradictions that structure for them a dialectical experience of motherhood. We will begin by synthesizing theoretical debates on the relationship between gender violence, patriarchy and gender inequalities in border areas. Then, we will discuss how pregnancy means for Peruvian women, doubly, a liberation and a chain, conditioning forms of self-awareness, while exposing them to violence. We will thus analyze the dialectic between rupture and permanence of male figures and the female overload linked to the reproduction of the family nucleus. We will also recover the relations between the Peruvian migrants and the mothers of their Chilean partners, expressing the contradictions and relational conflicts that emerge in the encounter of heterogeneous conceptions of motherhood. Finally, we offer an analytical synthesis, pointing out new research questions.

Más información

Título según WOS: Dialectics of maternity. Contributions to the study of gender inequalities in border territories
Título según SCIELO: Dial�cticas de la maternidad. Aportaciones al estudio de las desigualdades de g�nero en territorios fronterizos
Título de la Revista: ESTUDIOS ATACAMENOS
Número: 63
Fecha de publicación: 2019
Página de inicio: 81
Página final: 103
Idioma: Spanish
