Neutrino physics from charged Higgs boson and slepton associated production in anomaly mediated supersymmetry breaking

Lineros, RA


In the minimal supersymmetric standard model with bilinear R-parity violation, terms that violate R parity and lepton number are introduced in the superpotential inducing sneutrino vacuum expectation values. As a result, neutrino masses and mixing angles are generated via a low-energy seesaw mechanism. We show that this model embedded into an anomaly mediated supersymmetry breaking scenario is testable at a linear collider using charged Higgs boson production in association with a stau. This is possible in regions of parameter space where the charged Higgs boson and stau have similar mass, producing an enhancement of the charged scalar mixing angles. We show that the bilinear parameter and the sneutrino VEV can be determined from charged scalar observables, and estimate the precision of this determination. © 2003 The American Physical Society.

Más información

Título según WOS: Neutrino physics from charged Higgs boson and slepton associated production in anomaly mediated supersymmetry breaking
Título según SCOPUS: Neutrino physics from charged Higgs boson and slepton associated production in anomaly mediated supersymmetry breaking
Título de la Revista: PHYSICAL REVIEW D
Volumen: 67
Número: 11
Editorial: American Physical Society
Fecha de publicación: 2003
Idioma: English
