Tutorías de prácticas: representaciones acerca del rol del tutor y las estrategias pedagógicas

Andrea Ruffinelli; Alejandra Morales; Soledad Montoya; Claudia Fuenzalida; Carla Rodríguez; Patricia López; Carolina González

Keywords: teacher training, tutorial, método de enseñanza, práctica pedagógica, teaching method, tutoría, Formación de docentes, pedagogic practice, personal académico docente, academic teaching staff


This article shows a qualitative study on formative practices of internship tutors in seven pedagogy programs from the School of Pedagogy of a private Chilean university that belongs to the Council of Deans of Chilean Universities (CRUCH). Representations of tutors and interns about the role of the former and the pedagogic strategies they implement are analyzed in an inductive way, considering theoretical points of view from the constructivist and directive approaches. The data was collected from interviews carried out after watching a video record of their tutoring sessions, and shows a tendency towards educational support instead of the bureaucratic role present in the literature. The results show difficulties in the conceptualization of strategies, and the coexistence of and appreciation for both directive and constructivist strategies. The tutors' discourse shows a prevalence of constructivist strategies, although internship reports and suggestions for improvement indicate a predominance of directive strategies. The strategy most valued by tutors are questions, while interns demand more directions.

Más información

Título según SCIELO: Tutor�as de pr�cticas: representaciones acerca del rol del tutor y las estrategias pedag�gicas
Título de la Revista: Perspectiva Educacional
Volumen: 59
Número: 1
Editorial: Facultad de Filosofía Educación, Escuela de Pedagogía., Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso
Fecha de publicación: 2020
Página de inicio: 30
Página final: 51
Idioma: es
