The circulation of esoterism in Latin America. The conde de Das and his travels through Argentina and Peru, 1892-1900

Palma, Patricia; Vallejo, Mauro


This paper examines the professional trajectory of Alberto Santini Sgaluppi ("conde de Das"), an esoterist who performed in Buenos Aires and Lima in the late nineteenth century and analyzes the impact of his spectacles on diverse social actors in the two South American capital cities. We argue that individuals like Sgaluppi played a pivotal role in the spread of knowledge about nascent phenomenons linked to esoterism and hypnotism; at the same time, a close examination of his performances throws light on the development of scientific discourses and on the contours of "science" in the public sphere, beyond the conventional circle of experts.

Más información

Título de la Revista: Trashumante. Revista Americana de Historia Social
Número: 14
Editorial: Universidad de Antioquia
Fecha de publicación: 2019
Página de inicio: 6
Página final: 28
