Tensiones normativas de los fiscalizadores de la Superintendencia de Educación en la(s) política(s) de convivencia escolar en Chile

Carrasco-Aguilar, Claudia; Ascorra, Paula; López, Verónica; Álvarez, Juan Pablo

Keywords: accountability, education policy, School communities, Neoliberal policies, Supervisors


The Chilean education system has intensified its focus on accountability, incorporating a new initiative -school complaint reports- aspart of a new inspectorate for the education sector, the Superintendencia de Educación. This study seeks to understand the work of the inspectors working for this new government body By preparing a qualitative design of a single case study, in-depth interviews were carried out with all of the inspectors working for a Superintendencia’s regional office. The findings reveal tension between the work of inspecting and assessing, calling into question the inspectors’ role and professional performance. This tension is dissipated through negotiation strategies within the regional inspectorate and with the schools. School community policies analyzed through the prism of accountability produce punitive atmospheres and initiatives as ways of improving a harmonious environment within schools.

Más información

Título de la Revista: Perfiles Educativos
Volumen: 11
Editorial: UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO. Instituto de Investigaciones sobre la Universidad y la Educación,
Fecha de publicación: 2018
Página de inicio: 126
Página final: 143
Idioma: Español
Notas: WoS