School Choice and Inequality in Educational Decisions

Farias, Mauricio

Keywords: school choice, vocational education, human capital, cultural capital, social capital


School choice has been growing all over the world. However, despite the strong implications school choice could have on future opportunities, the understanding of the mechanisms underlying the school decisions are still not clear. Based on elements from different theories, this paper study factors related with a school- track choice. The study takes advantage of extensive administrative records, national tests, and an ad-hoc survey from Chile, a country with more than 30 years with an educational system based on choice. Results suggest that socioeconomic status, cultural values, the pressure of the environment, parents’ expectations, and self-perception are correlated with the school-track choice. Results suggest that the concept of equality of opportunities in an educational system based on choice should also consider equality in the capacity for taking these decisions

Más información

Título de la Revista: Multidisciplinary Journal of Educational Research
Volumen: Vol 4, No 1
Editorial: Hipatia Press
Fecha de publicación: 2014
Página de inicio: 1
Página final: 34
Idioma: English
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