Hegemonía masculina, freno en equipos mixtos en la minería chilena

Salinas, Paulina y Romaní Gianni

Keywords: mining, male hegemony, organizational culture and gender


This article discusses male hegemony as a gender structure hampering the formation of mixed teams in Chilean mining. It examines how, although the sector will require more skilled labor by 2020, the fact that a transformation of the organizational culture is key to making changes in this respect has been overlooked. A comparative analysis of the discourse of the main actors in this field is undertaken to examine the main shortcomings and obstacles faced by workers in operational areas. The research is limited to the north of Chile, the epicenter of global copper mining.

Más información

Título de la Revista: Revista mexicana de sociología
Volumen: 78
Editorial: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales
Fecha de publicación: 2016
Página de inicio: 469
Página final: 496
Idioma: Español
Financiamiento/Sponsor: FONDECYT