Strategies for Modelling Solar Photo-Fenton Treatment Applied to Contaminants of Emerging Concern Removal –AQUAMOD

Cabrera-Reina, Alejandro; Miralles-Cuevas, Sara; Contreras, David; Cornejo Ponce, Lorena

Más información

Fecha de publicación: 2020
Objetivos: the main objective of this work is to develop a semi-empirical solar photo-Fenton modelable to predict the removal of CECs mixtures (mg of CECs removed/kJ m2) and H2O2 consumption (mg of H2O2 consumed/kJ m2) during UWWTP effluents advanced treatment at pilot plant scale.
Programa: FONDECYT
Año de Inicio/Término: 2020-2023
Financiamiento/Sponsor: CONICYT
Rol del Usuario: COINVESTIGADOR(A)