New numerical model for the calculation of the electric microfield distribution in dusty plasma

Puerta, J; Cereceda, C; Martin, P; Castro, E; PEREZ, RJ


A new procedure is shown here to obtain the electric microfield distribution in dusty plasma. This method considers the global interaction between ions and charged particles in the Debye sphere considering a nonlinear Debye potential published recently. Such a field is an accurate solution of the non-linear Poisson equation for a no-point test charge of a CDP(Condensed Disperse Phase) system at thermal equilibrium. The solution here presented is an improvement for the calculation given in the literature where for many theoretical studies the classical Debye-Huckel potential was used. This seems to be non-suitable to attack the problem of CDP-plasmas, where the behavior of the plasma could be in many cases non-ideal. With our method we overcome this difficulty. A simple statistical analysis of the problem is also outlined.

Más información

Título según WOS: ID WOS:000086560100052 Not found in local WOS DB
Título de la Revista: PHYSICA SCRIPTA
Volumen: T84
Fecha de publicación: 2000
Página de inicio: 209
Página final: 211


Notas: ISI