La Dimensión Conceptual del Conocimiento en Educación Física: Un estudio Binacional

Peña-Troncoso, sebastian; Toro-Arévalo, Sergio

Keywords: evaluación, conocimiento declarativo


The conceptual dimension of knowledge is understood as the "knowing what", usually communicating or teaching from different school disciplines, except in physical education. The objective of the present investigation is to understand the knowledge in physical education from its conceptual dimension expressed by the students of Chile and Colombia and to establish the differences that exist in the variables (gender, country, and age). The study was methodologically descriptive and cross sectional using a single measurement. For this purpose, a psychometric instrument was created and validated. The results indicate that only 21.3% in the case of Chile and 9.5% in Colombia managed to surpass the average score of the questionnaire (16 points). These results demonstrate a low culture of conceptual knowledge that the students of Chile and Colombia have.

Más información

Título de la Revista: RETOS
Volumen: 35
Editorial: Federación Española de Asociaciones de Docentes de Educación Física
Fecha de publicación: 2019
Página de inicio: 170
Página final: 175
Idioma: español
Notas: scopus