Experiencias de resistencia y agencia espacio-laboral de trabajadores de un barrio tradicional frente a cambios globalizadores: el Barrio Victoria, Santiago de Chile

Sepúlveda, Ulises; Portales, Felipe; Maturana, Francisco

Keywords: agencia, globalización, barrio Victoria, espacios laborales, análisis cualitativo


Globalization and the economic opening of a country generate new challenges for local and traditional commercial spaces. The present work addresses this problem placing it in a typical commercial space of Santiago: Victoria neighborhood; linked to the field of leather and footwear. The aim is to understand the subsistence and adaptation of this commercial space in the face of the phenomenon of the importation of Asian footwear. To respond to this, a qualitative/spatial method was used to promote a relational analysis of the work spaces present in the neighborhood, based on the space-work agency carried out by tenants.

Más información

Título de la Revista: Izquierdas
Volumen: 49
Editorial: Ariadna Ediciones & Saint-Petersburg University (Center for Iberoamerican Studies).
Fecha de publicación: 2020
Página de inicio: 1177
Página final: 1197
Idioma: Español
Financiamiento/Sponsor: Universidad de San Petersburgo, Universidad Austral
URL: http://izquierdas.cl/