Soluciones de Aislamiento Acústico en Ductos Sanitarios

González Alfredo E.; Osorio, Rodrigo; Kogan, Pablo; Giani, Alejandro

Keywords: aislamiento acústico, ductos sanitarios, cañerías


Sound radiation which is generated by the flow of different kind of liquids in sanitary conducts is a known constructive pathology associated with the industrialized construction systems which cause trouble to the habitants. Noise emanation is produced mainly because of the turbulence made by the fluid when transitions appear in the path of the ducts; these accidents disturb the laminated pattern in the fluid. The following work presents a comparison of different solutions with normally used materials in the region. The results of insulation measurement in a real situation are also presented. Additionally, different extensions of covering are studied to understand in a better way the efficiency of the solution.

Más información

Editorial: AdAA
Fecha de publicación: 2008
Año de Inicio/Término: 2008
Idioma: Español