El ultrasonido anterior al aborto en contexto de ilegalidad: un estudio sobre las prácticas discursivas de profesionales desde la experiencia de las mujeres

Palma, Irma; Moreno Standen, Claudia; Alvarez, Andrea

Keywords: ultrasonography, induced abortion, Criminal abortion


Objective: The situation of pre-abortion ultrasound examination in a context of illegality is investigated, attending to the discursive practices of professionals who mediate viewing experiences, from the perspective of the experiences and interpretive repertoires of young women who carry out the examination. Methodology: In–depth interviews were conducted to 25 women who had an abortion in the university period and who did a pre-abortion ultrasound. The material was transcribed and analyzed from the interpretive paradigm. Results: Abortion is closed in the examination situation through a particular discursive practice of professionals around the personification of the fetus and the naturalization of the maternal-fetal bond. The examination encourages the woman to see and meet the fetus, while she rejects the invitation to participate in the visualization. Young women do not produce the hegemonic or dominant link between images, languages, and emotions that would make them mothers, but neither do they produce an alternative link that allows them to experience ultrasound consistent with the decision to interrupt. In this way, the ultrasound situation translates into an experience of normative violence for women.

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Título de la Revista: Saúde e Sociedade
Editorial: Faculdade de Saúde Pública, Universidade de São Paulo. Associação Paulista de Saúde Pública.
Fecha de publicación: 2020
Notas: SciELO - Scientific Electronic Library OnLine Thomsom Reuters: Social Sciences Citation Index, Social Scisearch, Journal Citation Reports/Social Sciences Edition CSA Social Services Abstracts CSA Sociological Abstracts LILACS - Literatura Latino-Americana em Ciências da Saúde Ulrich's International Periodical Directory EBSCO Publishing Latindex Library of Congress Cataloging Scopus