The Mestizo Latinoamericano as Modernity’s Dialectical Image: Critical Perspectives on the Internationalization Project in Curriculum Studies

Daniel F. Johnson-Mardones; Green, B.; Robert, P.; Bernanm, M.

Keywords: curriculum, estudios curriculares, internacionalización


Addressing the possibility of building a worldwide interdisciplinary field of curriculum studies, beyond the limits of Eurocentric modernity and its educational deployment, this work aims to critique modernity as educational project drawing on the mestizo latinoamericano as its dialectical image; as well as, to connect this critique to the larger project of decolonization of academic educational fields, bringing the Latin American thinking of liberation into the conversation of the internationalization of Curriculum Studies. Therefore, the mestizo latinoamericano’s existential hybrid resonates with curriculum studies’ own hybrid character. Such a resonance may well help in thinking an already begun-ongoing-unfinished international conversation in curriculum inquiry informed by dialogical encounters.

Más información

Editorial: Palgrave Macmillan Ltd.
Página de inicio: 57
Página final: 69
Idioma: inglés
