An industrial application of a human-robot interface for people with physical disabilities using hand gestures

Torres, Hugo; Auquilla, Andrés; Alvarado, Omar; Urrea,Claudio

Keywords: tracking, assistive technology, gesture recognition, Kinect, Robotics manipulator


This paper describes a 4DoF SCARA manipulator robot that is controlled by hand gestures using the SDK of the Kinect v2 sensor. A controller system is proposed that facilitates the inclusion of people with physical disabilities in industrial work environments. The entire system was evaluated in a specific sequence controller remotely by a person standing and sitting. The efficiency to complete the process in a low speed is 99% and at high speed is of 95%.

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Fecha de publicación: 2018
Año de Inicio/Término: 22-24 Aug. 2018
Página de inicio: 1
Página final: 5
Idioma: Inglés