Modelando la identidad docente en competencias comunicativas interculturales para contextos educativos culturalmente diversos

Karla Rosalía Morales Mendoza; Huincahue Arcos, Jaime; Gaete, Claudio

Keywords: cultural, identidad, , docente, , diversidad, , Competencia comunicativa, interculturales.


The cultural diversity that derives from indigenous communities, international migration and people from rural and farming areas, especially in isolated geographical situations, has come to configured new educational spaces. Hence, the aim of this article to identify the pedagogical components and elements that are the basis of an intercultural communication skills program for future teachers. The focus of this study is qualitative, a documentary design was chosen which is understood as the collection of information from written documents and to approximate the professional identity of future teachers. The study focused on basic education students during the last years of training that worked in culturally diverse educational context. The results showed that identity is determined in a way in which the future teachers construct the nature of their work, showing the values of students based on the understanding of the cultural diversity present in an intervention plan.

Más información

Editorial: Corporación Centro Internacional de Marketing Territorial para la Educación y el Desarrollo (978-958-52097)
Fecha de publicación: 2019
Página de inicio: 32
Página final: 51
Idioma: Español