Dislocation defect as a bulk probe of monopole charge of multi-Weyl semimetals

Soto Garrido, Rodrigo


Multi-Weyl semimetals feature band crossings with the dispersion that is, in general, linear in only one direction, and as a consequence their band structure is characterized by the monopole charge n which can be greater than one. We show that a single screw dislocation defect oriented in the direction connecting the nodal points, which acts as an effective pseudomagnetic flux tube, can serve as a direct probe of the monopole charge n≥1 characterizing the bulk band structure of a multi-Weyl semimetal. To this end, as a proof of principle, we propose a rather simple mesoscopic setup in which the monopole charge leaves a direct imprint on the conductance measured in the plane perpendicular to the dislocation. In particular, the ratio of the positions of the neighboring maxima in the conductance as a function of the gate voltage can serve to deduce the monopole charge, while the value of the effective pseudomagnetic flux can be extracted from the position of a conductance maximum. We expect that these findings will prompt further studies on the role of multiple dislocations, as well as other topological lattice defects, such as grain boundaries and disclinations, in topological nodal materials.

Más información

Título de la Revista: Physical Review Research
Volumen: 2
Número: 012043
Editorial: American Physical Society
Fecha de publicación: 2020
Página de inicio: 012043-1
Página final: 012043-5
URL: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevResearch.2.012043