Ciudad diferenciada e igualdad: una relación a debate

Esparza, E. Zambrano, Juan

Keywords: igualdad, No Discriminación, Ciudadanía diferenciada, no subordinación, opresión.


The purpose of this article is to demostrate that the most evident tensions between differentiated citizenship and equality are overcome by adopting non-subordination as content of equality its. To achieve this objective the first section it analize the citizenship concept distinguishing between universal and differentiated citizenship. Then in the second section, different conceptions of equality will be presented, showing tensions between them and the notion of differentiated citizenship. In third place it will be argued in favor of compatibility between differentiated citizenship and equality as non-subordination. It will be concluded that equality as non-subordination is a notion that overcomes the different types of equality addressed, allowing to correct the critical knots between differentiated citizenship and equality.

Más información

Título de la Revista: JURIDICAS
Volumen: 18
Editorial: Universidad de Caldas
Notas: SCOPUS.