“I am Hybrid”: Advancing Social Justice-oriented Initial Teacher Education from Identification and Reflection on Curriculum Ideologies

Peña-Sandoval, César

Keywords: social justice, emotions, nitial Teacher Education, Curriculum Ideologies


Curriculum ideologies play a crucial role in discourses and practices of preservice and experienced teachers. While there has been research on how ideological perspectives influence the work of experienced teachers, there is a lack of research about preser vice teachers in this area. This research sought to identify the preservice teachers’ curriculum ideologies and to understand how these relate to their conceptions of teaching for social justice in a context characterized by inequality. Data was obtained t hrough an activity called Curriculum Ideology Inventory (88 respondents), and semi - structured interviews with a purposive sample. This took place after the 2019 Chilean Social Outbreak context of social demands for a more just society and a new constitutio n. Consistent with recent research, the results confirm the predominance of the Learner Centered ideology and the presence of ideological eclecticism in a significant proportion. We highlight the emer- gence of an ideological hybridity between the Learner Ce ntered and Social Reconstruc- tion perspectives. This reinforces the idea that social justice - oriented teacher education should focus on learning within the framework of a critical - emancipatory perspective. In addition, the preservice teachers’ reflections u nveil the emotional dimension underlying their rational, which is scarcely addressed in previous studies. The presence of Scholar Academic and Social Efficiency ideologies is very scarce. Finally, implications for a more socially and culturally relevant in itial teacher education are discussed.

Más información

Título de la Revista: Linguistica Antverpiensia
Volumen: 2021
Número: 3
Fecha de publicación: 2021
Página de inicio: 4197
Página final: 4223
Idioma: Inglés
URL: https://hivt.be/linguistica/article/view/1505/998
Notas: Fondecyt Iniciación N° 11200459 DIUMCE 03-2020-CEI