Modelo de gestión educativa para programas en modalidad virtual de aprendizaje

Briceño Toledo, Margarita; Correa Castillo, Susana; Valdés Montecinos, Michel; Hadweh Briceño, Marcelo

Keywords: modelos de gestión educativa, progresión académica, programas de postgrado, ducación virtual, Universidad Arturo Prat-Chile


Virtual education is a form of learning that has grown dramatically in practice, but the dissemination of the way the educational process is managed is still pending. In this sense, the purpose of the work is to describe the educational management model of the postgraduate programs in virtual learning modality of the Arturo Prat University of the State of Chile. The methodology used is the systematization of experiences under a qualitative approach. The result is shown, first, the theoretical, normative and policy base that supports the design of the educational model, then its strategies and particularities, allowing the progression of the student from their entry to graduation, depending on virtual education, of a whole system that groups educational models, instructional material, technological support, academic support management, and a culture of evaluation with high quality standards. It is concluded that it is a model under constant review and improvement with a view to offering a quality education in accordance with national and international standards, a condition that allows us to affirm that it is in a position to be evaluated under the quality parameters that allow their accreditation before the National Accreditation Commission of Chile.

Más información

Título de la Revista: Revista de Ciencias Sociales
Volumen: 26 (2)
Editorial: Universidad de Valparaiso
Fecha de publicación: 2020
Página de inicio: 286
Página final: 298
Idioma: Español