Oportunidades de aproximación al aula escolar de educación matemática como criterio de calidad de los programas de formación de profesores de educación básica

Chandía, E., Cerda, G., Pérez, C., y Huencho, A.

Keywords: acreditación, formación inicial docente, aseguramiento de la calidad, Educación matemática, aula escolar


The main objective of the present study is to examine the syllabi of two primary school subjects, mathematics and didactic of mathematics, in 15 primary education teacher training programs. Given that the education assurance system in Chile is under close scrutinity, a correspondence analysis is performed to examine program accreditation years by using the comparison unit KARS (knowledge on school mathematics, activities, role, and space), as an approach to school classrooms. The results show that regardless of the years of accreditation, only one dimension of the comparison unit is observed in the course subjects of all the programs. This suggests that that having more years of accreditation does not ensure having nested opportunities. It is concluded that the KARS’s dimension of knowledge on school mathematics is the only dimension observed across the teacher training programs examined.

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Fecha de publicación: 2021
Página de inicio: 3
Página final: 16