Intentional Reimplantation of Left Lower Second Molar as an Alternative to Extraction: A Case Report

Nilton Alves; Carlos Manuel de Oliveira Nascimento; Edmar Moya; Naira Figueiredo Deana

Keywords: root canal, Conducto radicular, endodontic re-treatment, intentional reimplantation, retratamiento endodóntico, reimplante intencional


ABSTRACT: In patients who need endodontic re-treatment, and where the prognosis for surgical or non-surgical re-treatment is poor or treatment may be risky, one alternative is to opt for extraction of the affected tooth and replacement by an implant. However treatment by intentional reimplantation (IR) is also a possibility. The object of the present study was to present a case of a patient aged 71 years who needed endodontic re-treatment, where IR treatment was selected. The patient reported spontaneous pain which disappeared completely with the use of analgesics. This tooth had previously been treated endodontically around 1 year earlier, and no pain was reported in the first two months after treatment.Nonetheless, about 3 months before the present consultation, intensity of the symptoms had increased with a sensation of pressure in the apical-coronal direction. Cone-beam computerised tomography (CBCT) showed a periapical lesion in tooth 3.7. Based on the clinical and imaging examinations, acute apical periodontitis was diagnosed in tooth 3.7.The tooth was treated by IR. It was carefully extracted and inspected for cracks or perforations. It was treated under the microscope with root resection, and then retrograde obturation was carried out with bioceramic material. The tooth was then repositioned in its alveolus. It was immobilised for 15 days, after which the patient could return gradually to normal masticatory function. In the 6 months check-up the patient presented no pain or sensitivity to percussion. No root resorption or periapical radiolucency was observed in the periapical X-ray. We conclude that IR is an alternative to extraction followed or not by prosthetic treatment, for patients who need endodontic re-treatment. The treatment presents good levels of success, and of acceptance by the patient.

Más información

Título según SCIELO: Intentional Reimplantation of Left Lower Second Molar as an Alternative to Extraction: A Case Report
Volumen: 14
Número: 3
Editorial: Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de La Frontera.
Fecha de publicación: 2020
Página de inicio: 358
Página final: 362
Idioma: en
