A(2B) Adenosine Receptor Enhances Chemoresistance of Glioblastoma Stem-Like Cells under Hypoxia: New Insights into MRP3 Transporter Function

Rocha, Jose-Dellis; Uribe, Daniel; Delgado, Javiera; Niechi, Ignacio; Alarcon, Sebastian; Erices, Jose Ignacio; Melo, Romulo; Fernandez-Gajardo, Rodrigo; Salazar-Onfray, Flavio; San Martin, Rody; Quezada Monras, Claudia


Glioblastoma is the most common and aggressive primary brain tumor, characterized by its high chemoresistance and the presence of a cell subpopulation that persists under hypoxic niches, called glioblastoma stem-like cells (GSCs). The chemoresistance of GSCs is mediated in part by adenosine signaling and ABC transporters, which extrude drugs outside the cell, such as the multidrug resistance-associated proteins (MRPs) subfamily. Adenosine promotes MRP1-dependent chemoresistance under normoxia. However, adenosine/MRPs-dependent chemoresistance under hypoxia has not been studied until now. Transcript and protein levels were determined by RT-qPCR and Western blot, respectively. MRP extrusion capacity was determined by intracellular 5 (6)-Carboxyfluorescein diacetate (CFDA) accumulation. Cell viability was measured by MTS assays. Cell cycle and apoptosis were determined by flow cytometry. Here, we show for the first time that MRP3 expression is induced under hypoxia through the A2B adenosine receptor. Hypoxia enhances MRP-dependent extrusion capacity and the chemoresistance of GSCs. Meanwhile, MRP3 knockdown decreases GSC viability under hypoxia. Downregulation of the A(2B) receptor decreases MRP3 expression and chemosensibilizes GSCs treated with teniposide under hypoxia. These data suggest that hypoxia-dependent activation of A(2B) adenosine receptor promotes survival of GSCs through MRP3 induction.

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Título según WOS: ID WOS:000846734800001 Not found in local WOS DB
Volumen: 23
Número: 16
Editorial: MDPI Open Access Publishing
Fecha de publicación: 2022


Notas: ISI