Mariátegui and Lipschutz. Conceptual influences for an Andean history in Marxist key (Chile, 1970)

Chiappe, Carlos

Keywords: marxismo, indigenismo, estudios andinos, Chile, 1970


In this article we analyze the influence of José Carlos Mariátegui and Alejandro Lipschutz on a marxist’s researchers network interested in isssues from Northern Chile. This is done with the aim of understanding its impact on issues such as ethnic disintegration and cultural and political autonomy and the academic construction of the past, present and future of the Andean peoples of the area.

Más información

Título de la Revista: IZQUIERDAS
Volumen: 49
Editorial: Ariadna
Fecha de publicación: 2020
Página de inicio: 604
Página final: 624
Idioma: Español