Implementation of a WirelessHART Training System for Upgrading Industrial Communication Knowledge

Pruna, E.; Chang, O.; Navas, A.; Zambrano, J.; Avila, G.; Escobar, I.


The rapid advance of technology has caused for engineers who graduate a few years ago to have a definite shortcomings in the use, design and maintenance of modern industrial control systems. Such is the case of the wireless technology WirelessHART, which by their high performance and flexibility of use, is increasingly common in today's industry. To correct this growing situation this work has developed a WirelessHART, wireless educative module which is being used in the Continuing Education Unit of the University of the Armed Forces ESPE. The final objective is to develop open and institutional courses where characteristics identical to a real WirelessHART industrial application can be handled. The system includes a LabVIEW designed HMI which makes possible to remotely monitor interest variables.

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Título según WOS: ID WOS:000382638500021 Not found in local WOS DB
Título de la Revista: IEEE Latin America Transactions
Volumen: 14
Número: 6
Editorial: IEEE Electron Devices Society
Fecha de publicación: 2016
Página de inicio: 2663
Página final: 2668
Notas: ISI